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Little Angel

Every life leaves a footprint in our hearts, forever.

Losing a child is devastating and heart breaking to any parent. And having a dignified funeral send-off for the child will be the best way to help the parents and family have a proper closure.

The Little Angel is our funeral package for children who sadly have left this world before us. We make sure each and every step of the funeral process is handled with love and dignity.

Ang Chin Moh funeral Directors also collaborates with Angel Hearts in providing Angel Gowns for babies who sadly do not make it home. These angel gowns are repurposed from donated wedding gowns and ROM/engagement dresses, and volunteers cut them, and create dress patterns in a wide variety of sizes to fit even the smallest baby.

Each little angel will have a teddy bear accompanying them in their final journey, and another one of the same teddy bears for the parents as a keepsake.

Angel Gowns for the Little Angels

Angel Gowns (Girls)

Angel Gowns (Boys)

Angel Gowns (Small babies)

Teddy Urn

Creating a meaningful funeral for a well-lived life

Let us help you plan an Eco-funeral according to the wants and needs of your family.

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    Our Packages

    Religious Funeral

    Singapore’s diverse racial background has resulted in a multitude of religious beliefs. Ang Chin Moh Funeral Directors provides services for every family with different religious beliefs …

    Green Funeral

    There are few people who wanted to leave this world without leaving a trace, by trace we mean carbon footprints. Yes, some people wanted their memorial service to be as safe for the environment …

    Religious Funeral

    Singapore’s diverse racial background has resulted in a multitude of religious beliefs. Ang Chin Moh Funeral Directors provides services for every family with different religious beliefs …

    International Repatriation

    Going home for the last time can be a final wish of someone who spent his days in another country. Who are we to deprive the deceased of such an honourable wish? We at Ang Chin Moh …

    Little Angel

    Losing our little ones is a very disheartening experience for parents. Our only consolation is that they are finally able to rest peacefully in places where there will be no sickness, grief, and problems…

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